IDFVersionUpdater Class

class ep_transition.gui.Configuration

Bases: object

class Keys

Bases: object

eplus_dir = 'eplus_dir'
keep_intermediate = 'keep_intermediate'
language = 'language'
last_idf = 'last_idf'
last_idf_folder = 'last_idf_folder'
class ep_transition.gui.VersionUpdaterWindow

Bases: Tk

The main window, or Tk(), for the IDFVersionUpdater program. This initializer function creates instance variables, sets up threading, and builds the GUI

callback_on_done(message: str)
callback_on_msg(message: str)
static get_idf_version(path_to_idf: Path)

This function returns the current version of a given input file. The function uses a simplified parsing approach, so it only works for valid syntax files, and provides no specialized error handling


path_to_idf – Absolute path to a EnergyPlus input file

Return type

A floating point version number for the input file, for example 8.5 for an 8.5.0 input file

on_done(message: str)
on_msg(message: str)